1- Download the software and follows with the instructions of setup.
2- Select the libreries DLL's appropriate for your system and install following the instructions of setup.
3- Run the program and follows the instructions of registry by email or Fax.
4- After the installation please contact with us to register the new software.
5- To obtain one better image set the resolution of screen in 1280 xs 1024 High Color.
After unloading corresponding software and the DLL's for its system, first it must install software and then the DLL's.
Once software has settled, if you are not client of meditech and needs a number of registry, please contact with us by email to buy a license.
You can get Technical support by phone to +54 (11) 4760 3300; and by email to info@meditech.com.ar , it does not doubt in consulting to us, its question does not bother.