Digirad, DigiNet & DigiView Downloads Page
The intention of this section is to heighten the services of aid that we provided our clients. We have provided a resources number to help him here to solve the problems, to report bugs, and to suggest improvements to our products and services. You can also obtain the technical assistance by telephone to +54 (11) 4760 3300; and by email to info@meditech.com.ar
You will be able to find several of our products, brochures with products information and photography's, equipment manual of use as well as our software and libraries.
This page contains links to the archives that we are making available for the direct transference with the FTP. Makes click in the Link downloads to begin unload. A definition of the formats of the file is available at the end of this page. All the sizes of the file are approximated.
Case out Formats:
.doc Word 97 format
.pdf Acrobat Reader 4,0 format
.exe executable Windows program
.zip Zip Windows files cases out