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DigiNet "DiskArray"

Diginet Diginet DiskArray offers superb data-accessibility, and fault tolerance, deliver unparalleled storage flexibility, management, configuration simplicity, and storage flexibility, while ensuring maximum protection for enterprise level storage. Featuring 12 hard drive bays. This new system allows to extend the memory for DICOM Servers, increasing the medical images storage capacity: DICOM, MRI, TC, US, PET, RX, Angio...

Configuration :
Up to 12 hard drive bays and 16TB of storage .

Controladora RAID incorporada:
800Mhz Intel Microprocessor.

RAID Levels:
JBOD, 0, 1, 0+1, 3, 5, 6, TP, 30, 50, y NRAID. Global Hot Spare and auto rebuild. Automatic Data Regeneration.

Interface: Host Bus:
Dual Ultra320 LVD SCSI
Dual 2Gb Fibre Channel

ID Assignements:
Fibre Channel


Hot swappable
Up to 12 HDD
Support BigDrive HDD.

Host Requirements: Host Independent and Transparent
Battery BackUp: Opcional
Power Supply Capacity: 350 W
Ac Input Voltage: 110~240V (+/- 10%) 47~63 Hz
Relative Humidity: 10% to 85% Non-condesing
Operatin Temperature: 5C ~40C


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Meditech Medical technology